TVNDY will present our December 6 webcast as an online discussion, using the Zoom teleconferencing system. Our goal is to mobilize and support the people who are fighting back against the pressure to accept medical assistance in dying (MAiD).
During our online discussion, we hope to:
• Learn about how people are being pressured to “request” MAiD:
• Look at political and legal options to challenge or modify the MAiD law;
• Build a supportive community of people who’ve faced pressure to end their lives.
Several events have conspired to prompt us to (re)try this innovation.
• The ruling of the Québec Superior court in the Truchon case which declared the “reasonably foreseeable natural death” eligibility criterion unconstitutional;
• Parliament’s plan to modify the medical assistance in dying statute to conform to the Truchon decision;
• The five year review of the MAiD law, which may or may not happen, and will probably be limited because the first official MAiD report isn’t due out until March of next year.
• A growing number of cases are highlighting problems with the MAiD law and related life-ending practices (like people being pressured to sign “do not resuscitate” orders.) See our webcasts from August 23, September 20, November 1, November 8, and November 22.
When we launched our webcast in 2013, we imagined it as an online discussion, but we’ve never had a big enough audience to make it happen that way. We hope that, with a few years’ experience and more than 400 English and French webcasts (available in our archive) to draw on, we can create a supportive environment to talk about what assisted suicide and euthanasia mean for disabled Canadians.
The English online discussion will be held on Friday, December 6, 2019 at 3 p.m. EST, and the meeting should last between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on how many people participate. Zoom conferencing software allows people to participate by audio or video, and includes a chat function for people to submit questions or comments.
All opinions, expressed respectfully, are welcome. For more information, or to request CART transcription, please email us at
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Then, enter the Meeting ID: 548 964 260
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