Amy E. Hasbrouck has been a disability rights activist for more nearly 40 years. Ms. Hasbrouck’s activism combines her personal experience with congenital and acquired disability with a cross-oppression analysis gained through involvement in the women’s rights, anti-war, LGBT, and other social justice movements. She worked in architectural access and the independent living movement before graduating from Northeastern University School of Law in 1997. Her subsequent legal work concentrated on health and mental health law and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ms. Hasbrouck has focused her writing and research skills on abuse of children and adults with disabilities, producing a groundbreaking report on prosecution and sentencing of parents who kill their disabled children in 1997. This study led to her involvement with the disability rights-based opposition to assisted suicide, euthanasia, and other end-of-life practices that discriminate against people with disabilities. Ms. Hasbrouck has served on the board of Not Dead Yet in the U.S. since 2000, and she is the founder (in 2013) and Executive Director of Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet a project of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities to expand the reach of CCD’s ending of life ethics committee. She also serves as the chair of the Board of Directors of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, and has had several articles and op-eds published in newspapers in Canada and elsewhere. She lives in southwestern Québec.